Android Mobile App Development Interview Questions

S.No Question
1. Explain the history of the Android operating system.
2. What is the Android application architecture?
3. What is the difference between Dalvik Virtual Machine (DVM) and Android Runtime (ART)?
4. Explain the concept of Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation in Android.
5. What are the benefits of using ART over DVM in Android?
6. Which tools are commonly used for Android app development?
7. Explain the Android software development kit (SDK) and its components.
8. What is Android Studio and how is it used for Android app development?
9. How do you set up the Android development environment?
10. What are the different APIs available for Android app development?
11. Explain the different components of an Android app.
12. What is an activity in Android?
13. How do you define activities in an Android app?
14. Explain the purpose of layouts in Android app development.
15. What are the common project folders in an Android app?
16. How do you create an activity in Android?
17. What is the role of the setContentView() method in an activity?
18. Explain the different layout types in Android.
19. How do you create a button in Android?
20. How do you handle events in an Android app?
21. What is LinearLayout and how is it used in Android layouts?
22. Explain the usage of RadioButton in Android.
23. How do you create a CheckBox in an Android app?
24. What is the purpose of the Switch component in Android?
25. How do you display images using ImageView in Android?
26. Explain the concept of a multi-activity app in Android.
27. How do you manage multiple activities in an Android app?
28. What is the activity lifecycle in Android?
29. Explain the different states of an activity in the lifecycle.
30. How do you handle activity lifecycle callbacks?
31. What is an options menu in Android?
32. How do you create an options menu in an Android app?
33. What is a context menu and how is it used in Android?
34. How do you create a context menu in an Android app?
35. Explain the concept of a popup menu in Android.
36. What is the ActionBar in Android?
37. How do you create an ActionBar in an Android app?
38. What is the purpose of the parent activity in Android?
39. Explain the GridLayout in Android and its usage.
40. Explain the GridLayout in Android and its usage.
41. What is ConstraintLayout and how is it used in Android layouts?
42. Explain the concept of dialogs in Android.
43. How do you create a dialog in an Android app?
44. What is an adapter in Android?
45. How do you use an adapter with a Spinner in Android?
46. Explain the purpose of ListView in Android.
47. How do you populate data in a ListView using an adapter?
48. What is a GridView in Android and how is it used?
49. How do you create a custom ListView in Android?
50. What are the steps involved in creating a custom GridView in Android?
51. Explain the usage of AutoCompleteTextView in Android.
52. What are the key concepts of Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)?
53. How do you perform SQLite programming in Android?
54. Explain the CRUD operations in SQLite.
55. How do you perform database operations using SQLiteOpenHelper?
56. Explain the concept of threads in Android app development.
57. How do you create and manage threads in Android?
58. What is a handler and how is it used in Android?
59. What is AsyncTask and why is it used in Android?
60. How do you display a progress bar in an Android app?
61. What is a content provider in Android?
62. How do you access contacts using a content provider in Android?
63. Explain the steps involved in accessing gallery images using a content provider.
64. How do you play audio files from the gallery in an Android app?
65. What is the process of playing video files from the gallery in an Android app?
66. How do you apply themes to an Android app?
67. Explain the concept of animation in Android.
68. How do you create and apply animations in an Android app?
69. What is localization in Android and how is it implemented?
70. What is an intent filter in Android?
71. How do you use an intent filter to receive SMS messages in an Android app?
72. How do you launch the browser, gallery, camera, and map apps using intent filters in Android?
73. What is a BroadcastReceiver and how is it used in Android?
74. How do you make HTTP requests using HttpUrlConnection in Android?
75. Explain the process of downloading images from the internet in an Android app.
76. What is the Volley library in Android and how do you use it for network requests?
77. How do you perform JSON parsing in an Android app?
78. What are the different types of HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) and how do you implement them in Android using Volley?
79. What is a fragment in Android?
80. How do you create and manage fragments in an Android app?
81. Explain the role of FragmentManager and FragmentTransaction in Android.
82. What is ViewPager in Android and how is it used for horizontal navigation?
83. How do you implement tabs navigation using ViewPager in Android?
84. Explain the concept of a navigation drawer in Android.
85. How do you create and use a navigation drawer in an Android app?
86. What is a service in Android?
87. Explain the lifecycle of a service in Android.
88. How do you implement and manage services in an Android app?
89. What is the SensorManager in Android and how is it used?
90. How do you set alarms and notifications in an Android app?
91. What is Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) and how is it used for push notifications in Android?
92. How do you implement location tracking in an Android app?
93. What is GeoCoding and how is it used in Android?
94. How do you display and interact with Google Maps in an Android app?
95. How do you implement FCM in an Android app?
96. What is Google Authentication in Android?
97. How do you integrate Google Authentication into an Android app?

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