Manual Testing Interview Questions

S.No Question
1. What is testing and why is it important in software development?
2. What is Software Testing?
3. Why we need to do software testing?
4. Explain the purpose of manual testing.
5. What are the different objectives of testing?
6. What is the role of a tester in the software development process?
7. What are the different types of defects that can be found during testing?
8. What about defect lifecycle?
9. How does testing contribute to the overall quality of a software product?
10. What are the risks associated with not performing proper testing?
11. Explain the difference between manual testing and automation testing.
12. When would you choose manual testing over automation testing?
13. What are the advantages and disadvantages of manual testing?
14. What are the advantages and disadvantages of automation testing?
15. What is Test case? What are all components of the Test case?
16. How do you decide which test cases should be automated and which should be performed manually?
17. Explain the concept of regression testing and its importance in software development.
18. How do you ensure the accuracy of automated test scripts?
19. Explain the concepts of quality analysis and quality control in software testing.
20. What is the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)? Is there any difference between sdlc and stlc?
21. What are Phases of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)?
22. Explain the Waterfall model and its phases.
23. What is the Prototype model and when is it used in software development?
24. Explain the Agile methodology and its key principles.
25. Which method u use for testing? Agile?
26. What is agile testing? What is scrum methodology?
27. What is eXtreme Programming (XP) Agile Methodology?
28. Levels in Software Testing?
29. Methods in Software Testing?
30. Types in Software Testing?
31. What are the main categories of web application testing? Explain each categories.
32. What are the Performance Testing, Load Testing, Stress Testing, and Volume Testing?
33. What is Smoke & Sanity testing?
34. Difference between defect, error, bug, failure and fault?
35. Difference between Regression and Retesting?
36. Do you know about bug leakage and bug release?
37. What is Ad Hoc Testing? Explain its Types.
38. What is Functionality Testing?
39. Explain Format of Standard Test Cases?
40. An input field takes the year of birth between 1900 and 2004 what are the boundary values for testing this field?
41. When should testing be stopped?
42. What is Static and Dynamic technique?
43. What is Equivalence partitioning testing?
44. What is Fault Masking?
45. What is the difference between UAT (User Acceptance Testing) and System testing?
46. Explain what is testing type and what are the commonly used testing type?
47. In manual testing what are stubs and drivers? Why We Use Stubs And Drivers?
48. Mention what are the different types of test coverage techniques?
49. Mention what is the difference between Pilot and Beta testing?
50. What is difference between Front End Testing and Back End testing?
51. What is Mobile App Testing Important Test Scenarios.
52. Explain stress testing, load testing and volume testing?
53. What the difference is between build and release in software testing?
54. What all challenges faced during the testing of last project/application?
55. Example of test scenarios for any real world product/application (Table/Wrist watch/Pencil)?
56. What is Test management tools? Examples?
57. How you prioritize your activities when you are near to project deadline?
58. What is the V Model and how is it different from the Waterfall model?
59. How does testing fit into different SDLC models?
60. What are the key differences between traditional SDLC models and Agile?
61. What is black box testing and how is it performed?
62. What are the different techniques used in black box testing?
63. Explain the concept of equivalence partitioning in black box testing.
64. How do you perform boundary value analysis in black box testing?
65. What is white box testing and how is it performed?
66. Explain the types of white box testing?
67. What is code coverage and why is it important in white box testing?
68. Explain the concept of control flow testing in white box testing.
69. How do you perform statement coverage and decision coverage in white box testing?
70. What is verification and how is it different from validation?
71. What is validation and how is it different from verification?
72. Explain the activities involved in the validation process.
73. What are the key differences between verification and validation?
74. Explain the importance of revision and version control in testing.
75. What are the key components of testing documentation?
76. Explain the purpose of the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document.
77. How do you create user-wise test scenarios based on the SRS document?
78. What is the purpose of the module-wise test cases document?
79. How do you develop test cases based on the screen/scenario/feature in the project?
80. Explain the process of screen development and its importance in testing.
81. What is the Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)?
82. Explain the different phases of the STLC.
83. What is the importance of test case development in the STLC?
84. How do you create test cases from the requirements?
85. Explain the key elements of a test case.
86. How do you prioritize test cases based on their importance?
87. What is Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM)? and how is it used in test case management?
88. What are the key test scenarios for testing the login functionality?
89. How do you test the sign-up or registration process?
90. What are the important test cases for testing the search functionality?
91. Explain the test cases for the bus booking feature.
92. How do you handle positive and negative test cases for these features?
93. What is a positive test case and how is it different from a negative test case?
94. What is negative and positive testing
95. How do you determine the priority of a test case?
96. What factors are considered when assigning severity to a defect?
97. Explain the difference between priority and severity in defect management.
98. How do you handle critical defects found during testing?
99. What is Boundary value testing?
100. Explain the Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) technique and its application.
101. How do you perform Equivalence Class Partitioning (ECP) in test design?
102. What is the purpose of a Field Validation Table and how is it used?
103. Explain the concept of state transition testing.
104. What is a decision table and how is it used in test design?
105. How do you perform code coverage analysis in white box testing?
106. What is unit testing and its purpose in white box testing?
107. How do you design and execute unit tests for a specific module or class?
108. Explain the concept of test stubs and test drivers in unit testing.
109. What is integration testing and its purpose in white box testing?
110. How do you design and execute integration tests for interconnected modules?
111. What is integration testing and its purpose in black box testing?
112. How do you design and execute integration tests for a system?
113. Explain the concept of stubs and drivers in integration testing.
114. What is system testing and its purpose in black box testing?
115. How do you design and execute system tests for the entire application?
116. What is a bug report and what information should it contain?
117. How do you prioritize and categorize bugs in bug reporting?
118 What is a Bug?
119. Explain the bug life cycle and its different stages.
120. What is a test report and what information should it include?
121. How do you communicate testing results to stakeholders?
122. Explain the Agile software development model and its key principles.
123. What is Jira and how is it used for bug tracking in Agile projects?
124. How do you create and manage bug reports in Jira?
125. What are the key advantages of using Jira for bug reporting in Agile?
126. What is JSON and how is it used for data interchange in APIs?
127. How do you validate and parse JSON responses in API testing?
128. What is Postman and how is it used for API testing?
129. How do you send API requests and validate responses using Postman?
130. What is performance testing and its purpose in software testing?
131. Explain the key steps involved in performance testing.
132. How do you measure response time and throughput in performance testing?
133. What is JMeter and how is it used for API testing and performance testing?
134. How do you create and execute API tests using JMeter?
135. What are the important performance metrics to consider in API testing?
136. What is difference between mobile app testing and web application testing?
137. How do u test a web application?
138. Difference between smoke and sanity testing?
139. What are the typical problems in web testing?
140. Write the test scenarios for testing a web site?
141. Explain the different between HTTP and HTTPS?
142. What is Cross Site Scripting?
143. What type of security testing you performed?
144. What are steps you will perform for securing a new web server?
145. What is usability testing in web testing?
146. What is difference between Web based testing and windows based testing?
147. What are the common bugs in web testing?
148. What is the difference between desktop application testing and web testing?
149. What is field validation in web testing?
150. What is focus testing in website?
151. Explain some web testing tools.
152. What is website testing?
153. How is Web Application Testing different to Desktop Application Testing?
154. What are the HTTP response code blocks and what do they mean?
155. How would you Test a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Web Application?
156. What is the difference between client-server testing and web based testing and what are things that we need to test in such applications?
157. What is the scope of web testing?
158. What are the most common issues seen in Web Testing?
159. List down the key Web Application Testing Techniques?
160. List the main difference between Client-Server , The Web and Desktop Applications.
161. Can you tell few scenarios for testing a Web Application?
162. What are the different cofigurations which tester should consider while testing a Web Application?
163. What is the difference between Authentication and Authorization in Web Testing?
164. List down the actions necessary for securing a new Web Server?
165. Do you Know about the tools used for Analyzing HTTP Traffic?
166. Describe Yourself as QA Engineer?
167. How do you define QA, QC and Software Testing?
168. How do you define a good test case?
169. How do you perceive a test plan? What does it usually consist of?
170. Assume you have a test plan with over 1000 test cases. How do you make sure what should be automated and what should still be done manually?
171. How do you determine which devices and OS versions we should test on?
172. Define a Test Case and a Use Case? What do they consist of?
173. What is Test ware?
174. What is a test strategy?
175. What are the contents in test plans and test cases?
176. What is the strategy for Automation Test Plan?
177. List out the roles of software Quality Assurance engineer?
178. To what extent should developers do their own testing or do you believe testing is the responsibility of the QA team?
179. What’s your experience using Continuous Integration as part of the development process?
180. Tell us about the best bug of your test career?
181. What is your view on acceptance testing, when it is done and who does it?
182. What is your experience in dealing with your team members, how do you plan it?
183. Describe how to perform Risk Analysis during Software Testing?
184. Do you know about Silk Test? Explain in your words.
185. What is the difference between Master Test Plan and Test Plan?
186. How do you handle a Non - Reproducible Bug?
187. How do you perform Automated Testing in your environment?
188. What factors make you choose Automated Testing over Manual Testing?
189. What are the essential qualities of an experienced QA or Test Lead?
190. What’s Test Plan?
191. What is Configuration management?
192. How can World Wide Web sites be tested?
193. What is Extreme Programming and what’s it got to do with testing?

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