Programming in C Interview Questions

S.No Question
1. What is the difference between C and C++?
2. What is the difference between the C compiler and the C interpreter?
3. What is the role of the main() function in C programs?
4. What are the basic data types in C?
5. Explain the concept of a reserved word in C.
6. What is the scope of a variable in C?
7. How do you declare and define a global variable in C?
8. What is the difference between automatic and static variables in C?
9. Explain the concept of a constant variable in C.
10. What are the storage classes in C?
11. What is the difference between signed and unsigned data types in C?
12. How do you determine the size of a data type in C?
13. What is the difference between '++i' and 'i++' in C?
14. Explain the concept of typecasting in C.
15. How do you initialize an array in C?
16. Can you initialize a variable at the time of declaration in C?
17. What is a constant pointer in C?
18. How do you declare a constant variable in C?
19. Explain the concept of the #define directive in C.
20. What is the purpose of the \n escape sequence in C?
21. How do you print a double quote character using an escape sequence in C?
22. Explain the order of precedence of arithmetic operators in C.
23. What is the purpose of the modulus operator (%) in C?
24. What is the difference between the == and = operators in C?
25. How do you use the logical AND (&&) and logical OR (||) operators in C?
26. Explain the concept of pointer arithmetic in C.
27. What are bitwise operators in C? Provide examples.
28. How do you perform bitwise AND, OR, and XOR operations in C?
29. Explain the concept of a compound assignment operator in C.
30. What is the result of an expression involving different data types in C?
31. What is the purpose of the ternary operator (? :) in C?
32. How do you use the conditional expression to find the maximum of two numbers?
33. Explain the concept of operator precedence in C.
34. What is the order of evaluation of operands in an expression in C?
35. What is implicit type conversion in C?
36. How do you perform explicit type conversion in C?
37. What is a statement in C? Provide examples.
38. How do you create a block of code in C?
39. How do you write an if statement in C?
40. What is the purpose of the else clause in an if-else statement?
41. How do you write multiple conditions using else-if statements in C?
42. What is the difference between nested if statements and else-if statements?
43. How do you use the switch statement in C?
44. Can you use a floating-point expression as a case label in a switch statement?
45. How do you create a for loop in C?
46. Explain the three parts of a for loop in C.
47. How do you create a while loop in C?
48. What is the difference between a while loop and a do-while loop?
49. How do you create a do-while loop in C?
50. Explain the difference between an infinite loop and a do-while loop.
51. What is the purpose of the break statement in C?
52. How do you use the continue statement in a loop in C?
53. What is the purpose of the goto statement in C?
54. How do you define a label in C?
55. What is a function in C? How do you define and call a function?
56. What is the difference between pass-by-value and pass-by-reference in function arguments?
57. What is an external variable in C?
58. How do you access an external variable defined in a different file?
59. Explain the concept of scope in C.
60. What is the lifetime of a variable in C?
61. What is a header file in C? Provide examples.
62. How do you include a header file in a C program?
63. What is the purpose of the static keyword in C?
64. How do you declare a register variable in C?
65. What is recursion in C? Provide an example.
66. Explain the concept of a base case in recursive functions.
67. What is the role of the C pre-processor?
68. How do you use the #ifdef and #ifndef directives in C?
69. What is a pointer in C? How do you declare and initialize a pointer?
70. How do you find the address of a variable in C?
71. How do you pass a pointer as a function argument in C?
72. Explain the concept of call by value and call by reference in C.
73. How do you use a pointer to access elements of an array in C?
74. What is the relationship between arrays and pointers in C?
75. What is address arithmetic in C? Provide an example.
76. How do you increment a pointer in C?
77. How do you declare and use a character pointer in C?
78. Explain the concept of string manipulation using character pointers in C.
79. What is a pointer array in C? Provide an example.
80. How do you pass a pointer array to a function in C?
81. How do you declare and initialize a multi-dimensional array in C?
82. Explain the concept of row-major and column-major order in multi-dimensional arrays.
83. What is the difference between a pointer and a multi-dimensional array in C?
84. How do you pass a multi-dimensional array to a function in C?
85. How do you pass command line arguments to a C program?
86. Explain the argc and argv parameters in the main() function.
87. What is a pointer to a function in C? How do you declare and use it?
88. Explain the concept of function pointers as callback functions.
89. How do you interpret a complicated declaration in C?
90. Provide examples of complex declarations and explain their meanings.
91. What is a structure in C? How do you define and use a structure?
92. Explain the concept of a member variable in a structure.
93. How do you pass a structure as a function argument in C?
94. Can a function return a structure in C?
95. How do you create an array of structures in C?
96. Explain the concept of accessing structure members in an array.
97. What is a pointer to a structure in C? How do you declare and use it?
98. How do you access structure members using a pointer to a structure?
99. What is a self-referential structure in C? Provide an example
100. Explain the concept of linked lists using self-referential structures in C.
101. What is the purpose of the typedef keyword in C?
102. How do you create a new type using typedef?
103. What is a union in C? How does it differ from a structure?
104. Explain the concept of memory overlap in unions.
105. What is a bit-field in C? How do you declare and use it?
106. What are the advantages and limitations of using bit-fields in C?
107. How do you perform string operations in C? Provide examples.
108. Explain the difference between string copying and string concatenation in C.
109. How do you test the type of a character in C?
110. How do you convert lowercase characters to uppercase characters in C?
111. What is the purpose of the ungetc() function in C?
112. How do you use ungetc() to push characters back to the input stream?
113. How do you execute a command from within a C program?
114. Explain the concept of system() and exec() functions in C.
115. How do you dynamically allocate memory in C?
116. What is the purpose of the malloc() and free() functions in C?
117. What are the mathematical functions available in the math.h header file?
118. How do you use the sqrt() and pow() functions in C?
119. How do you generate random numbers in C?
120. Explain the concept of seeding and pseudo-random number generation in C.
121. How do you read from a file in C? Provide examples.
122. How do you write to a file in C? Provide examples.
123. What is the purpose of stderr in C?
124. How do you terminate a program using the exit() function?
125. How do you read a line of input from the user in C?
126. How do you output a line of text to the console in C?

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