Power Bi Interview Questions

S.No Question
1. What are the main components of Power BI Tools?
2. Can you explain the key terminology used in Power BI?
3. Walk me through the steps to create a dashboard in Power BI within minutes.
4. How does data refreshing work in Power BI Service? Can you explain the process?
5. How do users interact with dashboards in Power BI Service?
6. Discuss the different methods available for sharing dashboards and reports in Power BI.
7. What is Power BI Desktop, and how does it differ from Power BI Service?
8. Compare getting data from Excel to getting data from Power BI Desktop and Power BI Service.
9. What is the importance of naming for Q&A functionality in Power BI?
10. Explain the differences between DirectQuery and importing data into Power BI Desktop.
11. Can you summarize the key concepts covered in this module, and what topics are covered next?
12. Provide an overview of the modeling process in Power BI.
13. How do you set up and manage relationships between tables in Power BI?
14. What is the significance of cardinality and cross-filtering in Power BI modeling?
15. Explain the purpose of default summarization and sort by options in Power BI.
16. How do you create calculated columns in Power BI? Can you provide an example?
17. Describe the steps to create measures and quick measures in Power BI.
18. Summarize the key points from this module and outline what will be covered in the next module.
19. How do you create visualizations in Power BI Desktop? Can you walk me through the process?
20. What options are available for color and conditional formatting in Power BI visualizations?
21. What are the basic functionalities of a Series in Pandas?How can you set the sort order for visualizations in Power BI Desktop?
22. Explain the concepts of scatter and bubble charts, as well as the play axis feature.
23. How do slicers work in Power BI? What are their benefits?
24. How can you implement cross-filtering and highlighting in Power BI visualizations?
25. Explain the purpose and functionality of visual, page, and report-level filters in Power BI.
26. What are the steps involved in drill down/up functionality in Power BI?
27. Discuss the benefits of using hierarchies in Power BI visualizations.
28. How can you incorporate constant lines into Power BI visualizations?
29. Explain the differences between tables, matrices, and table conditional formatting in Power BI.
30. How do you create and utilize KPIs, cards, and gauges in Power BI visualizations?
31. What are the options for creating and using map visualizations in Power BI?
32. How can you integrate custom visuals into Power BI? Provide an example.
33. Describe the process of managing and arranging visualizations in Power BI Desktop.
34. What is drillthrough, and how can it enhance data exploration in Power BI?
35. How do custom report themes affect the visual appearance of Power BI reports?
36. Discuss the benefits and use cases of grouping and binning techniques in Power BI.
37. Explain how bookmarks and buttons can be used for navigation within Power BI reports.
38. What is the decomposition tree visual, and how can it aid data analysis in Power BI?
39. Provide an introduction to the Power BI Service and its visualization tools.
40. How do standalone tiles work in Power BI? Can you give an example of their use?
41. Explain the concept of data-driven alerts in Power BI (Power BI Pro/Premium).
42. What are quick and related insights, and how do they add value to Power BI?
43. How can you leverage custom Q&A functionality in Power BI?
44. Give an overview of the different sharing options available in Power BI.
45. Explain the process of publishing reports from Power BI Desktop to the Power BI Service.
46. How can you publish reports to the web in Power BI? What are the considerations?
47. Discuss the options for sharing reports and dashboards in Power BI (Power BI Pro/Premium).
48. What are workspaces in Power BI (Power BI Pro/Premium), and how do they facilitate collaboration and content organization?
49. How can you create and distribute apps in Power BI (Power BI Pro/Premium)?
50. Explain the features and options available for printing, exporting to PDF, and exporting to PowerPoint in Power BI.
51. What is row-level security (Power BI Pro), and how can it be implemented in Power BI?
52. How do you export data from a visualization in Power BI? Can you provide an example?
53. Describe the process of publishing content for mobile apps in Power BI.
54. Provide a summary of the sharing options covered in this module.
55. What is data refresh, and why is it important in Power BI?
56. Explain the role of the personal gateway in data refresh (Power BI Pro/64-bit Windows).
57. How can you replace a dataset in Power BI? What are the considerations?
58. What are some common issues and troubleshooting techniques for refreshing data in Power BI?
59. What are the different options available for publishing content from Excel to Power BI?
60. How can you import Excel Power Query and Power Pivot models into Power BI Desktop?
61. Explain the process of using Analyze in Excel to work with Power BI data (Power BI Pro/Premium).
62. How can you upload and export Excel files to Power BI and create reports?
63. Discuss the process of sharing published Excel dashboards with other users in Power BI (Power BI Pro/Premium).

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