JavaScript Practice Questions

S.No Question
1. Write a program to print given format using document.write function.

2. Write a program to find out simple interest (SI).
3. Write a program to find out area of circle.
4. Find sum of first , third and fifth digit of 6 digit number.
5. Write a program for swapping of two integer variables using third variable.
6. Write a program to find gross salary (Hint :-GS=BS+DA+TA).
7. Write a program to convert temperature from degree Fahrenheit to Celsius.
8. Write a program accepts a character and find out corresponding ASCII value.
9. Write a program to convert days into years, weeks and months.
10. Write a program that accepts the age of person, find out the person is eligible for voting or not.
11. Write a program to accepts three numbers from user and calculate biggest number out of three numbers.
12. Write a program to show day of week according to user input by using switch case.
13. Write a program to show day of city name according to user input by using switch case.
14. Write a program for generating electricity Bill. Accept last month unit and current month unit from user, then calculate and print bill amount according to following condition:
0-150 charges 4 rs/unit
151-300 charges 6 rs/unit
301-500 charges 8rs/unit
>500 charges 10rs/unit
15. Write a code for call center (using nested switch case). E,g, 1 for prepaid, 2 for post paid. If 1 selected then show all the options for prepaid.
16. Write a program to calculate the income tax of an employee.
The tax slabs according to annual salary are :
upto rs.300000 tax is 0%
from rs.300000 to rs. 500000 tax is 10%
from rs.500000 to rs. 1000000 tax is 15%
more than 100000 tax is 20%
Note: 250000 is exempted from tax criteria
17. Write a program to print n natural number.
18. Write a program to print table of any given numbers.
19. Write a program that accepts a number from user calculate factor of a given number. .e.g. factors of 12 are 1,2,3,4,6,12.
20. Write a program to accept N number from user and check and print only palindrome numbers.
21. Write a program to accept N number from user and check and print only Prime numbers.
22. Take the numbers from user (until ten +ve numbers entered by the user), and print sum and average of these numbers.
23. Write a program to calculate factorial of a given number.
24. Write a program to print “Code Better” five times by using loop.
25. Write a program to calculate sum of digits of a number.
26. Write a program to print given below patterns:
* * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * *

27. Write a program to print given below patterns:
28. Write a program to print given below patterns:

29. Write a program to find square and cube of any number using function.
30. Write a program to print all natural numbers between 1 to n using recursion.
31. Write a program to print all even or odd numbers in given range using recursion.
32. Write a program to calculate factorial using function with argument and with return type.
33. Write a program to find cube of any number using function.
34. Write a program to calculate factorial using function with argument and with return type.
35. Write a program to find total number of alphabets, digits or special character in a string.
36. Write a program to find first occurrence of a character in a given string.
37. Write a program to take two strings as input from the user. Confirm that the strings are equal.
38. Write a Program to take input from user and find the length of a string,position.
39. Write a program to toggle case of each character of a string.
40. Write a program to input text from user and perform following operation
1.create an array
2.Add element into array
3.Add elements b/w array ( Ex:-in b/w position 3 & 4)
4.Remove element from an arry to is specific position
5.Display using button.
41. Write a program to search an element in an array.
42. Write a program to find sum of all array elements.
43. Write a program to find maximum and minimum element in an array.
44. Write a program to sort an array.
45. Write a program to count total number of even and odd elements in an array.
46. Write a program to insert an element in an array.
47. Write a program to check a person is eligible for voting or not,by creating object.
48. Create BankAccount Management App to store, delete records of Bank Account. Store accNo, customer name, balance.

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