Java Spring Backend Development Interview Questions

S.No Question
1. What is dependency in software development?
2. Explain the concept of dependency injection.
3. What are the benefits of using dependency injection in Spring?
4. How do you achieve dependency injection in Spring?
5. What is tight coupling and why is it considered bad?
6. Explain the concept of loose coupling in software development.
7. How does Spring promote loose coupling between components?
8. What is inversion of control (IOC) in Spring?
9. How does IOC help in designing flexible and maintainable applications?
10. Explain the difference between dependency injection and inversion of control.
11. What is the Spring Framework and its main features?
12. Explain the various modules of the Spring Framework.
13. Describe the architecture of the Spring Framework.
14. What are Spring beans?
15. How do you define a bean in Spring configuration?
16. Explain the concept of bean naming in Spring.
17. What are the different types of dependency injection in Spring?
18. How do you configure dependency injection in Spring using XML or annotations?
19. Explain the @Autowired annotation in Spring.
20. What is autowiring in Spring?
21. Explain the different autowiring modes available in Spring.
22. How do you resolve autowiring conflicts in Spring?
23. What is bean inheritance in Spring?
24. How do you define parent and child beans in Spring configuration?
25. Explain the concept of bean overriding in Spring.
26. What is collection merging in Spring?
27. How does Spring handle merging of collections in bean inheritance?
28. What is bean aliasing in Spring?
29. How do you define aliases for beans in Spring configuration?
30. Explain the different bean scopes in Spring.
31. How do you define bean scopes in Spring configuration?
32. Explain the lifecycle of a Spring bean.
33. What are the different stages of bean lifecycle in Spring?
34. How do you implement bean lifecycle callbacks in Spring?
35. What is Spring MVC and its advantages?
36. Explain the architecture of Spring MVC.
37. What are the key components of a Spring MVC application?
38. What is handler mapping in Spring MVC?
39. Explain the concept of default handler mapping and custom handler mapping in Spring MVC.
40. What are controllers in Spring MVC?
41. How do you define a controller in Spring MVC?
42. Explain the concept of request mapping in Spring MVC.
43. What are services in Spring MVC?
44. How do you define a service in Spring MVC?
45. Explain the concept of dependency injection in Spring services.
46. What are models in Spring MVC?
47. How do you define a model in Spring MVC?
48. Explain the concept of data binding in Spring MVC.
49. What is Spring Boot and its advantages?
50. Explain the concept of auto-configuration in Spring Boot.
51. How do you configure a Spring Boot application?
52. What is the difference between a controller and a RestController in Spring Boot?
53. How do you define a controller or RestController in Spring Boot?
54. Explain the concept of request mapping in Spring Boot.
55. What is the purpose of @RequestBody and @ResponseBody annotations in Spring Boot?
56. How do you handle JSON or XML request/response in Spring Boot?
57. What are JPARepository and CRUDRepository in Spring Boot?
58. How do you perform CRUD operations using JPARepository or CRUDRepository in Spring Boot?
59. Explain the concept of CRUD operations in Spring Boot.
60. How do you implement CRUD operations using Spring Boot and JPA?
61. What is the logging API used in Spring Boot?
62. How do you configure logging in a Spring Boot application?
63. Explain the different log levels in Spring Boot.
64. What is Swagger API in Spring Boot?
65. How do you integrate Swagger API documentation in a Spring Boot application?
66. What is Spring Security and its purpose?
67. How do you secure a Spring Boot application using Spring Security?
68. Explain the concept of authentication and authorization in Spring Security.
69. How do you implement authentication and authorization using Spring Security?
70. Explain the concept of roles and permissions in Spring Security.
71. What is JWT (JSON Web Token) and its role in Spring Boot?
72. How do you implement JWT-based authentication and authorization in Spring Boot?
73. How do you integrate MongoDB with Spring Boot?
74. Explain the concept of MongoDB repositories in Spring Boot.
75. What are microservices and their advantages?
76. How do you design and implement microservices architecture using Spring Boot?
77. What is service discovery in microservices architecture?
78. How do you implement service discovery using Eureka Server and Eureka Client in Spring Boot?

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