React js Interview Questions

S.No Question
1. What is React?
2. Why React is used?
3. How React works?
4. What are the features of ReactJS?
5. What are the Advantages of React JS?
6. Does React JS use HTML?
7. What is JSX?
8. What are Life Cycle Methods in React?
9. What is React State?
10. What are the differences between the Class component and Functional component?
11. What is props in React?
12. What are the significant differences between state and props?
13. What is meant by callback function? What is its purpose?
14. What do you mean by virtual DOM?
15. What is an event in React?
16. What is the difference between Real DOM and virtual DOM?
17. What do you know about React Router?
18. Explain the term stateless components ?
19. When was React first released?
20. Explain the use of the arrow function in React ?
21. What is Axios ?
22. What are the limitations of React?
23. How can a browser read JSX file?
24. Is it possible to nest JSX elements into other JSX elements?
25. Define the term Redux in React?
26. What is the ‘Store’ feature in Redux?
27. What is an action in Redux?
28. What is dispatcher?
29. Explain the term high order component.
30. What is ‘create-react-app’?
31. Explain strict mode.
32. What is Babel in React js?
33. What is the reduction?
34. What are React hooks? Explain the difference between useState and useEffect.
35. What is Flux Concept In React?
36. Explain the Presentational segment >
37. Name two types of React component ?
38. Explain synthetic event in React js
39. How can you update state in react js?
40. Explain pure components in React js .
41. What kind of information controls a segment in React?
42. Explain the use of 'key' in react list
43. What are children prop ?
44. Explain error boundaries?
45. What is the use of empty tags ?
46. What are reacted portals?
47. What is Context?
48. What is the use of Webpack?
49. What are the major issues of using MVC architecture in React?
50. What can be done when there is more than one line of expression?
51. When should you use the top-class elements for the function element?
52. How can you share an element in the parsing?
53. Explain the term reconciliation
54. How can you re-render a component without using setState() function?
55. Can you update props in react?
56. Explain the term 'Restructuring'.
57. Can you update the values of props?
58. Explain the meaning of Mounting and Demounting ?
59. What is the use of ‘props-types’ liberary?
60. What is useState() in React ?
61. What are the differences between controlled and uncontrolled components?
62. When rendering a list what is a key and what is it's purpose?
63. Why do React Hooks make use of refs?
64. What is context?
65 What is children prop?
66 What is the difference between Shadow DOM and Virtual DOM?
67 What is the difference between React and ReactDOM?
68 What is the purpose of ReactTestUtils package?
69 What are the core principles of Redux?
70 How to access Redux store outside a component?
71. What is the Context API in React? How can it be used to manage global state?
72. What are React render props? How do they enable component composition and code reusability?
73. How can you optimize performance in a React application? Discuss techniques like memoization, code splitting, and lazy loading.
74 What is the difference between component and container in React Redux?
75 What is the difference between React context and React Redux?
76 What is Lifting State Up in React?
77 Why fragments are better than container divs?
78 What is Jest?
79 Differentiate React Hooks vs Classes.
80 Why should we not update the state directly?
81 What is the difference between HTML and React event handling?
82 What are fragments?
83 Differentiate between States and Props.

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